As developer, I’ve always been a fan of keyboard; as many other coders I learned as much key combinations as possible instead of using a mouse: and here comes Alfred and its workflows. Alfred is a powerful conterpart to Apple Spotlight as it saves your time when you search for files online or on your Mac, it helps you to more productive with hotkeys, keywords and file actions at your fingertips. With Alfred you can also create immensely powerful workflows by connecting keywords, hotkeys and actions together to extend Alfred to do amazing things without writing a single line of code!

That’s the scenario for my first workflow!

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I’m currently working on a Symfony-based project whose data model is far from being stable and all its properties known; for this reason, three Doctrine entities have a common private property called “attributes”, declared as json_array: by mapping and converting array data based on PHP’s JSON encoding functions, I’m sure that any other additional entity properties can be added to the array, without altering database structure or application logic.

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Recently I had to write an HTTP client to fetch some data from a remote website and parse it.

I ain’t a perl-fan, for this kind of problem I prefer PHP as development tool, so I was looking for some rock-solid PHP-framework that was:

  • object-oriented developed
  • able to manage an authentication (basic, digest, …)
  • capable to issue any HTTP method (GET, POST, DELETE, …)
  • (possibly) managed by composer
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I’m currently working on a Symfony2-based project which makes also use of the great JMSSecurityExtraBundle by Johannes Schmitt, in order to address method security authorization.

Everything work fine, but deploying in production, I ran into this problem:

% app/console cache:clear --env=prod
Clearing the cache for the prod environment with debug false
PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class EnhancedProxy_.... on line 64
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It’s very common for an application to import and export data to other programs, granting intercommunicability and flexibility. This kind of operation should be executed in background, so that your application UI remains reactive. Under Cocoa and, specifically, with CoreData there are a lot of available options to implement background operations, as much as a lot of literature and best practices about it.

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Since 2008 NSViewController are considered an incomplete implementation, most of all if compared to its counterpart NSWindowController (for example NSViewController doesn’t ensure that its view is added into the responder chain).

Some days ago, I encountered another issue about view controllers which completely drove me crazy; in my application I’ve a left sidebar and a right subview based on selection of the first one: each time the user makes a selection, a new subview is loaded by an equivalent NSViewController and presented to the user.

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ASExplorer is a tool useful to browse resources exposed by an application server, such as Weblogic or JBoss; especially useful if you’re enforcing security.

Main features:

  • built-in support for Weblogic and JBoss<
  • JNDI resources browsing
  • automatic discovering of SQL datasource
  • automatic loading of external libraries (JARs) to interact with AS
  • interaction with SQL datasources
  • easy to extend
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Continua la serie di progetti sviluppati a scopi didattici per l’Università di Urbino “Carlo Bo”.

Specifica del problema

Scrivere un programma multithread che consenta di valutare le performance, in termini di numero di page fault, di algoritmi di rimpiazzamento delle pagine per la gestione della memoria virtuale.

Il programma dovrà essere costituito da un’entità principale che operi come una Memory Management Unit (MMU), un numero arbitrario (n) di thread, ove ogni thread emuli un singolo processo (PROCESSO) e, infine, da un’entità che emuli un dispositivo di I/O (DISPOSITIVO I/O).

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